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March 19th 2024

About Frische for Commissioner

Putting My Experience to Work for You

I have served on Findlay City Council for seven years.  During that time, I have demonstrated my understanding of how government works, speaking up and asking questions to better define complex legislation, while supporting the process of properly vetting that legislation, and bringing the facts to the table. 


I have supported the preservation of property rights, worked to resolve Hancock Wood Electric’s territorial infringements in and outside the city limits, fought to end unfair tax deferrals, and am working to correct the process that led to the 50% water rate increase.  


I strongly believe in the importance of the people being involved in their government and have made every effort to provide transparency and open communication with the citizens of our community, and to always be available to answer their questions.

Why I'm Running

I have a passion for our community, and a well-rounded understanding of economic development.  I understand the balance between the city and county working together to bring high paying jobs while, at the same time, preserving our townships. We will need to readdress the focus of our economic development program and examine our pace of growth and how it impacts all areas of our county, from annexation, emergency services, public safety, courts, healthcare, and schools.  I appreciate the corporations who have made Findlay/Hancock County their home, as well as our valuable agricultural community.  Both must be protected.

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Hancock County … It’s My Home and Yours

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Get to Know Me

When I started on City Council, I made the decision to create a social media page where I could engage with the citizens.  I would share hot topics of legislation being discussed by providing facts in the form of documents and council meeting video discussion.  This has allowed me to address questions and talk with more citizens. I still maintain the Facebook page "Findlay Hot Topics with Holly Frische" as a resource for the community.

When there was a controversial topic like the riparian buffer on East Main Cross I went door-to-door and visited the property owners to get their input and document it for the rest of council. 

When there was a proposed property rezone on Spruce Dr that would allow for a multi-family property in a single-family neighborhood, I took the time to make sure the neighborhood was aware, so they had an opportunity to weigh in before council voted on the rezone.

When Hancock Wood Electric was facing the loss of some of their territory after annexation, I worked to facilitate communication with council and find a solution to support the PUCO territory lines.

When I was made aware of a problem with Dalzell Ditch causing water back up and flooding issues, I walked the ditch with a fellow commissioner and councilman to see the concerns first-hand.  I then worked with the commissioners office and safety service director to get this petitioned and cleaned up.

For several years in my ward neighborhoods, I enjoyed working with a local pastor to do a Back-to-School-Bash for the kids by bringing resources and a picnic into the neighborhood park. 

When there was a property rights dispute on East Sandusky, I went out and visited the property owner to see their property and access the situation.

When there was citizen frustration with snow removal I jumped into a truck for a close-up look at how our team handles snow events and works tirelessly to keep our city roads open and operating safely.

When citizens were receiving large water bills after the meter upgrade, I investigated the problem and worked to address their concerns.

When Findlay's Strategic Planning Committee was working on developing the city's plan for the future, I attended many community meetings and talked with citizens to clearly understand their priorities.

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Public Safety

Public safety is an area that is very important to me and our community. 

​I was part of the team who started up the Citizens Sheriff Academy Alumni Association fundraising efforts and over several years we were able to financially support projects for YIELD & Explorers along with the Volunteer Dive Team and the Sheriff Dept.


​I later served on the Findlay, Hancock Co. Crime Prevention Board where we helped raise the money for "The Boot" Project for the schools to keep our kids safe in the event of an active shooter.


​As a member of Findlay City Council, I have been supportive of our Police and Fire teams by supporting their departments to upgrade equipment and safety devices including body cams.  When our Fire Chief brought forward the vision of the STRICT Center it was clear this was something that would benefit all of Hancock County’s emergency responders and I supported this project as well.


The discussion of our jail is a hot topic and there are a lot of decisions that will need to be made but we cannot do it without good communication with the community.  I will work with the sheriff, fellow commissioners and you during this process to make sure there is transparency and community input to get to the right decision.  

How I engage the Public as Councilwoman is the same way I will engage the entire County

Get to Know Me

When I started on City Council I made the decision to create a social media page where I could engage the citizens.  I would share hot topic of legislation being discussed by providing facts in the form of documents and council meeting video discussion.  This has allowed me address questions and talk with citizens. I still maintain the Facebook Page Findlay Hot Topics with Holly Frische as a resource for citizens.

When there was a controversial topic like the riparian buffer on East Main Cross I went door to door and visited the property owners to get their input and document it for the rest of council. 

When there was a request to vacate part of an alley off of Blanchard that got a little tense between neighbors I went door to door to find a give and take. 

When there was a proposed property rezone on Spruce Dr that would allow for a multi-family property in a single family neighborhood I took the time to make the neighborhood was aware so they had an opportunity to weigh in before council voted on the rezone.

For several years in my ward neighborhoods I worked with a local pastor to do a Back to School Bash for the kids by bringing resources and a picnic into the park. 

When there was a property right dispute on East Sandusky I went out and visited the property owner to see their property and ask questions.

When there was citizen frustration with snow removal I jumped in a truck and shared a more in detail look of how our team handles snow events and works tirelessly to keep city open and operating.

Connect with Frische for Commissioner on Social Media

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